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China's manufacturing sector usher in a new development opportunities

China as a rapidly developing country, the annual consumption of various resources is enormous, the development of remanufacturing industry, will be very effective in saving resources and reduce the consumption of related resources.
Such as machine tools, machine maintenance in China is about 800 million units, and according to the annual rate of 3% out of the old loss of machine tools, there will be 24 million machine tools need to be eliminated each year, and machine tools as a more sophisticated processing Tools, in which many parts and materials can be recycled.
Remanufacturing is an industry that implements high-tech repair and remodeling of used products. It is aimed at damaged or scrapped parts. Based on the analysis of performance failure analysis and life assessment, the remanufacturing engineering design is adopted. Related to advanced manufacturing technology, so that remanufacturing product quality to meet or exceed new products. This technology is very suitable for China's development needs.
At present, the party's "eighteen big" to resource conservation, environment-friendly ecological civilization referred to a higher position, the recent State Council executive meeting proposed "second five" circular economy development is an important task, to carry out remanufacturing Industrial development pilot, the establishment of remanufacturing industry cycle model, a series of policy direction requirements to the development of the manufacturing industry pointed out the direction. Remanufacturing industry under the strong guidance of national policy, ushered in a new stage of development.
China's various types of mechanical and electrical products, a large number of social security, such as 100 million car ownership, machine tools in more than 800 million units, 200 million internal combustion engine, the motor has a total savings of 1.5 billion kilowatts. Such a large amount of ownership, a large part of the basic functions, but the performance indicators have declined. Whether these products are into remanufacturing or scrapping is a big problem about ecological civilization.
And then to machine tool remanufacturing, for example, China is the world's largest machine tool consumer market, according to 35 years of machine tool retirement rate calculation, each year 24 million machines into the re-manufacturing ranks, accounting for about half of the annual production of new machine tools. Heavy, ultra-heavy machine in accordance with 2% of the total amount of machine tools to estimate, about 4,000 per year of heavy, heavy-duty machine into the re-manufacturing ranks. According to statistics, China's existing use of heavy, ultra-heavy machine, 60% will face technology or function out, in the "second five" during the period of about 50,000 units into the remanufacturing market, to be a comprehensive technical transformation. It can be said that the manufacturing industry market potential is very great.
Remanufacturing industry is facing a new development environment and opportunities. China's multiple industries have a serious overcapacity, the new product market is a significant decline, but the use of waste mechanical and electrical products for processing and development of manufacturing is just to resist the economic downturn risks, open up a new consumer market an important model. Because the mechanical and electrical products remanufacturing both a typical energy saving, materials, environmental effects, the price is also competitive. The price of remanufacturing products is less than 30% lower than the price of homogeneous new products, and the profits of remanufacturing enterprises are generally not less than 30%, so this is a very profitable market.
So that you can use the cost of the market to reduce the cost of production and achieve high quality standards. In our country this habit to fight the price war to achieve the purpose of occupying the market countries, and further improve their competitiveness of products for our country after the sustained development, provides a solid foundation.

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Company Name: Jiashan Jinwei Precision Machinery Co., ltd.
Add: Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, Taozhuang and Shunhe Xiang on the north side
Tel:0573-84860371 Fax:0573-84860372



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