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China Machine Tool VS World Machine Tool

In recent years, the total amount of domestic machine tools increased rapidly, but the market share is still not high (especially CNC machine tools), the vast majority of high-end products to rely on imports, mid-range products in the market also accounted for a large share of imported products. From the industry as a whole, the core competitiveness of the industry is not strong. Although China is a machine tool manufacturing power, but not a machine tool manufacturing power. The main gap is:
1. Lack of technological innovation capability
1) enterprise basic research, technology research and new product development investment, a direct impact on the improvement of innovation.
2) the ability to develop products independently, the key components rely on imports, the introduction of foreign advanced technology digestion and absorption, innovation and improve the work ineffective.
3) science and technology talent can not meet the needs of industrial development, especially the lack of technical leaders. The existence of scientific research and production, design and manufacturing, new product development and user demand for individual dislocation, a direct impact on the development of new products and enterprise technology innovation ability.
2. The level of industrialization is not high
1) the industrial structure is not reasonable. Mainly the level of specialization is not high; high-end product development is slow, the market share is low; mid-range products have a certain output, but the competitiveness is not strong; CNC machine tool components lag behind, seriously restricting the development of domestic CNC machine tools.
2) economies of scale, production efficiency and developed countries there is a big gap. Too many production plants, low production efficiency, poor profitability.
3) technology and equipment obsolete, basic manufacturing technology behind. Industry equipment, the average rate of only 2 to 3%. The original production of ordinary machine tools for mass production of CNC machine tools, precision, efficiency and reliability are difficult to meet the use of requirements, hinder the improvement of the level of industrialization.
3. Comprehensive service capacity is not strong
1) service system is not perfect, full capacity is not strong, in the market development, complete sets of services, there is still a big gap. Although domestic enterprises have attached importance to the service problem, but the general lack of user processing technology research, often in the passive to cope with the situation. Enterprise international market after-sales service is more weak, the vast majority of enterprises do not have the international market development and service capabilities.
2) the old management model and management mechanism does not meet the requirements of modern service system, rapid response capacity is poor, the use of information technology to improve the basic ability of enterprises there is still a big gap.
4. System, mechanism reform is not in place
System, mechanism reform to promote the machine tool industry, but the development is not yet balanced. Some enterprises in the diversification of property rights, corporate governance structure and the establishment of a true sense of the modern enterprise system is still a large gap, directly restricting the improvement of enterprise management level. In the enterprise employment mechanism is not fundamentally resolved, the quality of staff is difficult to quickly improve.
To sum up, the above four aspects of the gap reflects the current problems of the industry, these problems seriously affect the level of international competitiveness of enterprises to improve.

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Company Name: Jiashan Jinwei Precision Machinery Co., ltd.
Add: Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, Taozhuang and Shunhe Xiang on the north side
Tel:0573-84860371 Fax:0573-84860372



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